Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lilly Letters

Over the summer, I made these wooden letters for two of my friends and myself. I have mine hanging in my dorm and people always ask me how I made it, so here’s how!

What you need:
-Wooden letter(s)
-Printed Lilly patterns
-Deco page
-Paint (if you wish)
-Paper plates or newspaper

To start:

I went to Michael’s and got the three wooden letters, they’re only a few dollars each and the best thing about Michael’s is they always have coupons online so you can look one up and save 40%. While I was at Michael’s I also got paint and black flat sponge paintbrushes.

I chose Lilly Pulitzer patterns I wanted to use off Google and I printed them out. You can obviously use whatever patterns you’d like!

I started by painting the sides and the back of the wooden letters. You don’t need to paint the back but I decided I wanted to.

I cut the printed patterns into piece in the shape of the letters. As I put each into place I used quarters and other coins to keep them in place.

*Rubbing your finger over the edge of the letter onto of the paper is a good way to get an imprint of the shape of the letter so you know exactly where to cut. *

Once I had cut all the pieces and placed them where I wanted them I began to use the Deco-page to glue them in place. I made the mistake of just putting glue on top of the paper and it would slide all over the place. *So make sure you put the glue on the surface of the wooden letter and then place the paper down then glue over it.*

Once you’re done gluing all of the pieces of paper in to place, let the deco-page dry overnight and you have yourself a Lilly Letter!!

Happy Crafting!


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